JUDICIARY Latest Features

HW Lochomin Replaces Hon. Judge Asiimwe on Contracts Committee
HW Lochomin Peter Fred

The Ministry of Finance has appointed HW Lochomin Peter Fred, a Magistrate Grade One attached to the Anti-Corruption Court to the Judiciary Contracts Committee. 

He replaces Hon. Justice Tadeo Asiimwe, who was elevated recently from the rank of Deputy Registrar to High Court Judge.

The Committee is chaired by HW Sarah Langa Siu, a Deputy Registrar at the High Court Civil Division.

Other Members of the Contracts Committee include: HW Beatrice Atingu (Deputy Registrar, Masaka High Court); Ms. Katusiime Claire Asiimwe (Senior Assistant Secretary) and Ms Fiona Asea (Economist in Judiciary's Policy Planning Unit),who is the Secretary to the Committee.

The Contracts Committee is central in the planning and approval of contracts for over 70 per cent of Judiciary’s annual budget for goods and services such as:construction, stationery, printing services, cleaning services and many others.

The involvement of HW Lochomin, the lone male member on the Committee, was partly intended to have a representation of the Lower Bench on the key Statutory Committee.

Posted 24th, April 2018
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